Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dad's Birthday!

Yesterday was dad's birthday! Mom had a great idea so we girls made him these candy posters for his present/card! We ended up having a lot more candy than we thought, so we had to use 3 posters! We had to finish them in the morning, so we made dad stay upstairs until we were done. I tried to make them big enough so that you can read what they say...

Bryce and Devin blind folded him while he walked down the stairs.

Devin bought an angel cake with some whipped cream, and he made a really good mixed berry topping for it that we ate that night. Dad went to lunch with mom and some other family and friends, and Bryce also made him breakfast the day before. He got a kick out of the posters and what can I say, It was a great idea!

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